Sun Protection Guide: Summer Skincare Tips for Healthy Skin

Summer Skincare Tips

Welcome to Summer Skincare Tips

Summer means sun, fun, and for many of us, a whole new skincare routine. As the heat ramps up, so does the need for sun protection and oil control. Whether you're hitting the beach or just enjoying the sunshine at a picnic, has got your back with our top-notch advice. It's not just about looking good; it's about taking care of the skin you're in. We're here to help you soak up the summer bliss without worrying about the pesky side effects that can come with it. And remember, if you need the best skincare advice tailored just for you, reach out to us at 616-834-6552. We're serving customers with enthusiasm, nationwide!

Sun Protection: Your Number One Priority

Ultraviolet rays don't just cause sunburns-they can also contribute to premature aging and increase the risk of skin cancer. So how do you stay safe? Slathering on a broad-spectrum SPF 30 or higher sunscreen should be your daily mantra. Reapply every two hours, or immediately after swimming or sweating. Choose products that suit your skin type for maximum protection and comfort. With, feel confident that you're safeguarded while you have fun under the sun.

Did you know that even on cloudy days, up to 80% of the sun's harmful UV rays can penetrate your skin? Don't skip the sunscreen, even if it seems like the sun is hiding. And remember, some medications can make your skin more sensitive to sunlight. Check with your healthcare provider if you're unsure

Battling the Summer Shine

Tackling an oily complexion during the hottest months is a common challenge. Excess oil can lead to clogged pores and breakouts. Our tip? Go for lighter, water-based lotions or gels that won't add extra oil to your skin. Try blotting papers to keep shine at bay throughout the day-these are a lifesaver when humidity strikes. understands the struggle and we have the right products to help keep your skin matte and gorgeous.

Maintaining a good skincare routine is crucial. This includes cleansing both morning and night. Adding an exfoliator to your weekly regimen can also help remove excess oil and dead skin cells. Just don't overdo it, as this can irritate your skin and increase oil production. recommends a balanced approach for a summer glow that's healthy, not greasy.

Stay Hydrated, Inside and Out

Drinking enough water is not only good for your body but also essential for maintaining healthy skin. Aim for 8-10 glasses a day to keep your body and skin hydrated. Topical hydration is equally important-opt for a hydrating serum or mask that contains Hyaluronic Acid to lock in moisture. With these tips, you can keep your skin dewy and plump all summer long.

Don't forget water-rich fruits and veggies! They're another fantastic way to boost your hydration levels. Foods like watermelon, cucumber, and strawberries are delicious and beneficial for your skin. encourages integrating these into your diet for optimal skin health during the warmest months.

Understanding Summer Skin Concerns

Summer warmth can feel amazing, but it can also invite a host of skin issues if we're not careful. Let's dive into some common summer skin concerns and healthy habits to keep your largest organ happy!

Heat Rash

Those tiny, itchy bumps can be a real nuisance. Heat rash occurs when sweat ducts get blocked and swell up. Staying cool and wearing loose, breathable clothing can prevent this. If the rash appears, a cool shower and calamine lotion might provide relief. We understand the discomfort and our products are designed to soothe and calm your skin.

If you're experiencing heat rash frequently, it's essential to reassess your skincare routine. Removing heavy creams during summer can improve your skin's ability to breathe. And if you have questions, we're just a call away: reach out on 616-834-6552.

Chlorine and Saltwater Effects

Both chlorine in pools and saltwater from the sea can dry out your skin and, in some cases, cause irritation or a rash. After a swim, rinse off with fresh water and follow up with a moisturizer suitable for your skin type. Locking in moisture post-swim can help protect your skin barrier. knows how a good day at the pool or beach can impact your skin, and we've got products to help counter those effects.

For sensitive skin, the right after-swim care is indispensable. Look for gentle, fragrance-free moisturizers to avoid further irritation. Additionally, always shower off pool or ocean water as soon as possible.

Dealing with Bug Bites and Stings

No one likes the redness and itchiness that comes with bug bites. Apply an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream or calamine lotion to reduce irritation. And if mosquitoes find you irresistible, use a repellent to keep them at bay. wants your skin to be flawless, not feasted on!

Remember, scratching the bites can lead to more swelling and even infections. It's crucial to protect your skin, so it's ready to beautifully reflect your joyous summer experiences and be as healthy as can be.

The Importance of Post-Sun Skin Care

Even with the best intentions, too much sun exposure can happen. Let's make sure you've got the lowdown on what to do if you've caught too many rays.

Soothe Sunburn with Care

We've all been there- a little too long in the sun and suddenly you're sporting a not-so-chic lobster look. If this happens, act fast with a cool bath and apply a healing aloe vera gel to soothe the burn. Keep the skin moist and limit further sun exposure. When in doubt about severe sunburn, seek medical advice.

And while it's healing, resist the urge to peel! Let your skin recover naturally to avoid scarring and further damage. At, we have products designed specifically to assist with sunburn relief and promote healing.

Repair and Restore Overnight

Nighttime is when our skin goes into overdrive repairing itself. Use this to your advantage with a restorative night cream. Ingredients like retinol and peptides can help correct any daytime damage and boost collagen production. Ensure you pick products that your skin agrees with-we can help with that at 616-834-6552.

Don't underestimate the power of beauty sleep! The National Sleep Foundation suggests that adults need between 7-9 hours a night for optimal health, which includes skin health.

Staying Moisturized After Sun Exposure

Maintaining skin's moisture after sun exposure is key to a healthy recovery. Opt for lotions and creams with hyaluronic acid, glycerin, or ceramides. These ingredients help to attract and seal in moisture, which can prevent peeling and keep your skin smooth and supple.

Remember, if you've been out in the sun, your skin will need extra care. Slather on a good moisturizer to prevent dryness and flaking. If you need guidance on the best post-sun products, our team at is always ready to assist you.

Combating Summer Breakouts

When the heat is on, breakouts can become more frequent. But fear not, there are ways to stay clear-skinned and confident.

Switch Up Your Skincare Routine for Summer

As the temperature changes, so should your skincare routine. Swap out heavier cleansers and creams for lighter ones that won't clog your pores. Choose non-comedogenic products, meaning they won't cause breakouts. has a selection of products that are perfect for adjusting your routine to suit the summer months.

Stick to your skincare routine even if you're on vacation. It's tempting to forget about skincare when in relax-mode, but taking care of your skin is a year-round commitment. Reach out to us on 616-834-6552 for travel-friendly sizes and products.

Keep Makeup to a Minimum

When it's hot out, less is more when it comes to makeup. Heavy foundations can trap heat and sweat, leading to irritated skin and acne. Experiment with a tinted moisturizer or BB cream with SPF for a lighter feel that still offers coverage. recommends breathable makeup options to keep your skin looking fresh.

If you do choose to wear makeup, ensure you're cleaning it off thoroughly each night. Giving your skin a break while sleeping is critical for clear skin.

Food for Thought: Diet and Skin Health

You are what you eat might sound clich, but it's especially true when it comes to skin health. Focus on a diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Foods like berries, leafy greens, and nuts can help fight inflammation and clear toxins that may contribute to breakouts.

Moreover, decreasing your intake of sugary and greasy foods might improve your skin's condition. Let be your partner in navigating towards a clear-skin diet this summer.

Taking Extra Care of Sensitive Skin in the Heat

If you have sensitive skin, summer can feel like a minefield. Here's how you can keep sensitive skin safe and soothed.

Identify and Avoid Triggers

Sensitive skin can react to anything from a new detergent to a change in the weather. Once you know your triggers, avoiding them becomes more manageable. understands the struggles of sensitive skin and can guide you through selecting the right products.

To test new skincare products, do a patch test on a small area of skin. If there is no adverse reaction after 24 hours, it should be safe to use.

Gentle Skincare for Gentle Skin

Using the right skincare products is vital. Sensitive skin benefits from products that are fragrance-free, alcohol-free, and hypoallergenic. Look for soothing ingredients like chamomile or aloe vera. At, our range includes gentle options perfect for balancing the needs of tender skin with the harsh summer environment.

Remember, with sensitive skin, the motto is "less is more." Avoid over-washing or over-exfoliating which can strip the skin of its natural oils and defences. If you need help figuring out what your sensitive skin needs, call us at 616-834-6552 for personalized advice.

Hypoallergenic Products: A Must-Have

Minimize the risk of skin reactions by choosing products that are labeled hypoallergenic. These products are specially formulated to reduce the chance of causing an allergic response, which is great for keeping your skin calm and happy during the summer months.

At, we believe everyone deserves to enjoy the summer without worries about their skin. Our collection provides options for those with the most delicate skin types.

Your Summer Skincare Companion:

We're your biggest cheerleaders when it comes to taking care of your skin this summer. So lather on the sunscreen, drink up the H2O, and keep your skin as stunning as those summer sunsets! For all your skin needs, a quick call to 616-834-6552 gets you expert advice, top-shelf products, and the confidence to bear the summer sun with ease. Embrace the warmth and let your healthy, well-cared-for skin do the talking. When it comes to skincare, remember, has got you covered, nationally!